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Applications for Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving Technologies and Chip Design Expertise Programmes Started!

Applications for Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving Technologies and Chip Design Expertise Programmes Started!

Within the scope of the qualified human resources training programmes initiated by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in line with the National Technology Move, specialised training will be provided in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving Technologies and Chip Design.

3rd and 4th year students studying in the relevant undergraduate departments of our University can apply for these training programmes to be implemented in the 2024-2025 academic year. Candidates are required to have at least 2.80 GPA in the 4 point grading system.

Programme details:

Artificial Intelligence Expertise Programme: Data Processing and Integration training in cooperation with Arçelik, Baykar, Cezeri, Havelsan, Huawei, Tübitak.
Autonomous Driving Technologies Expertise Programme: Autonomous System Development training in cooperation with Aselsan, AVL, Baykar, Ford, Togg.
Chip Design Expertise Programme: Digital Design and Verification training in cooperation with Ankasys, Electra IC, Tütel, Yongatek.

During the programme, students will prepare an intermediate project and a graduation project within the scope of the training. Mentorship support will also be provided. Students who successfully complete the programme will be provided with internship opportunities by the companies where they receive training.

Applications and detailed information can be found at the application address.

Training Duration: 5 weeks basic training + 25-30 weeks specialisation training
Application Dates: 26 August - 16 September 2024
Application Address:


  • 09 September, 2024